Japan with my Parents

As mentioned in my last blog, I will share some fun events unrelated to church. One of the main things that happened during this time was my parents joining me in Japan for about three weeks. After my short visit to Tokyo, my parents joined me on my return to Switzerland to visit Jesus‘ Call… Japan with my Parents weiterlesen

Harvester Camp

The Harvester Camp is the most recent event we had and is also the last big event before I return to Switzerland. After this, I will share some other highlights and more everyday occurrences. The Harvester Camp was a long weekend event for the main members of the church. Usually, the camp was in Miyazaki,… Harvester Camp weiterlesen

BBQ at Tamagawa River

After around three weeks in Switzerland, I returned to Tokyo with my parents joining me. The first week we spent in Tokyo, sightseeing, taking long walks in parks, and, of course, meeting the church members and attending various events. On Sunday, April 28th, we didn’t attend church like usual. Instead, we went to the Tamagawa… BBQ at Tamagawa River weiterlesen

Ministry School Graduation

The next bigger event after the ski and Snowboard Camp was the Ministry school graduation. One ‚Generation‘ of Ministry School is usually around two years long, and the generation which I joined was coming to an end. Even though I only completed six months, I was still invited to join the graduation. As per usual,… Ministry School Graduation weiterlesen

Ski-and Snowboard Camp

I would like to start this Blog Post with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported and prayed for us before and during the Snow Camp. The Camp was a resounding success, and we were truly blessed. As a group of 19 people, we spent two great days together, sharing unforgettable moments and creating… Ski-and Snowboard Camp weiterlesen

Ministry School Camp in Fukuoka

At the end of February, we planned another Ministry School camp; this time, we met in the Fukuoka church. The plan was to meet on Friday morning and spend the weekend together. However, since I have some spare time now that school is over, I decided to fly to Fukuoka on Wednesday. After my arrival,… Ministry School Camp in Fukuoka weiterlesen

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Valentine’s Special

Quite a time has passed since my last blog entry. This time, I want to tell you about our Valentine’s special. After the vision camp, not many new things happened. I went to school; we had church on Wednesdays and Sundays, prayer night on Fridays, ministry school on some Saturdays, and on the other Saturdays,… Valentine’s Special weiterlesen

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Vision Camp

The Jesus‘ Call church starts its year with a Vision camp every year. For this camp, all the harvesters from the three churches meet at one of the three locations. This year, we all met here in Tokyo. The official starting date was Monday, January the 1st, but the first harvesters from Fukuoka already arrived… Vision Camp weiterlesen

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More Christmases

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a blessed holiday and an excellent start to the new year. I was pretty busy, so I’m only updating now. So we will take a quick step back to the 10th of December when we had our big church Christmas party. As you all know, we have… More Christmases weiterlesen

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Our first two Christmases

A couple of weeks have passed, and many preparations have been made. I’m jumping forward in time a bit, as most of my weeks look pretty similar, and by now, you all know the drill. So, I will now focus on some special events. Now that December has begun, many special events will be in… Our first two Christmases weiterlesen

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